Monday, December 6, 2010

Error Gta Vice City Unhandled-exceptio

The name of the people of Michel Leclerc

Warnings Preliminary
- Anti-blue flower refrain
- Article totally biased and subjective

Yesterday I went to see People's names Michel Leclerc , and I was touched by this comedy-casting romantic charm. The pitch, you probably know: Bahia, leftist activist, tries to convert his political enemies in the socialist ideology ... sleeping with them. She met when she worked as a switchboard operator, a certain Arthur Martin "as the kitchen."
She is young, French-Algerian, sassy, generous, it is as old as his father, he is scientific, rational and Jospin's condition. (If, if it still exists!)
Some blame if necessary: the proliferation of subplots slightly negative effect on the fluidity of the script, and then the character of Bahia would probably be won qualified: the scene where she runs naked on the subway early in the film was it really necessary?
For the rest, I enjoyed the film finds the visual scenes, embody the look on Arthur Bahia, are touring in Super 16, giving the film a charm obsolete and tricks of the scenario: Bahia and Arthur discuss with their double children who embody their lost illusions. Finally, the scene with Lionel Jospin, in his own role, is a delicious moment!
And above all, I was touched by the banter of Sara Forestier and the charm of lunar Jacques Gamblin just perfect (although we must also say that it is one of my favorites from The Marsh children and especially The first day of the rest of your life ).

Their performances make the love story believable despite the differences of the characters, and beyond that, endearing.
I cried, I laughed, and the story of Arthur and Bahia accompanied me until today.
And you, you liked People's names?


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