Monday, January 31, 2011

What Is My Cervix Feel Like Before Period

And if that was it, democratize art?

Friends, a small video you've already seen fifty times but I've discovered only recently and that inspired me enough.
It happened last Saturday, November 13, in a shopping mall in the United States. Suddenly, when everyone is focused on his burger and fries, a young girl starts to sing the famous Hallelujah Handel followed by another, then two .. to form a real choir in the middle of fast food.
You have all heard of flashmob , this type of event, coming from the bottom, disorganized, punctual and organized by the Web. While these gatherings existed before the Internet gave them an unprecedented scale. In early rallies without real meaning (for example, freeze parties where demonstrations resetent motionless for several minutes), flash mobs are increasingly complex.
This time marks a milestone for me since this flashmob introduces the art in a mediocre place in our lives. While attempts to make art accessible to the underprivileged classes of society are often doomed to failure (so to speak this effect of Parc de la Villette in The Girl Next Door ), while over 70 % of the public from the Opera Bastille is at least a degree equivalent to Bac +5, 34% of viewers believe that opera is a show dedicated to a certain class (see this year the very interesting note Franchise Roussel, director of public relations and marketing at the Paris Opera), this allows a flashmob people who dare not necessarily attend a recital, tapping a moment of grace, a moment of poetry between the fries and Coke.


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